The Fourth Post Script Collection
68 pages
By the Brothers Moogk-Soulis
PostScript Comic is about the aftermath of fairytales as imagined by Graham and Neal Moogk-Soulis.
Graham and Neal read a lot. They own lots of books. And by lots, that means that they are in danger of running out of spaces to put all those books. And their brains are almost full. It’s only natural then, that all of the characters and plot lines from two lifetimes of reading would mash together to bring you the world of PostScript.
Graham and Neal each hold Bachelor and Masters degrees in History from the University of Waterloo. That meant that they read lots of books in school and encountered many different stories. PostScript is a product of their love for fairytales, folklore, mythology, literature, and history. It is also an outlet for the playful manifestations of their twisted little minds. They create PostScript because they love to draw, because they love to write and most of all because they love the material.
My Thoughts/Review:
I got an email from the Moogk-Soulis Brothers asking me to review their collection of Post Script comics that they put on their website. So I investigated their awesome website and decided I really wanted to read these funny looking comics. New strips appear at three days a week and are collected together annually in book form. All of these clever comics in this compilation had me laughing out loud in unexpected ways. I really liked the twists and turns the brothers put into their unique stories and how they reference many different tales. I was both intrigued and surprised with the humor and awesome story telling that these comics provide. All of the characters the brothers created, that are based on story book characters, really have their own depth and uniqueness that they bring to each strip. Another thing that really suprised me was the quality of the drawings. They are done really well and have so much detail that they take on a form all their own. I really can't wait to check into there website more everyday to read more of their great comic strips. All of you guys should really check their website out and read their PostScript Comics.
The fourth collection is available for purchase at their website. Overall, these comics are drawn really well and have such awesome laugh out loud stories that they need to be read.
Overall, I give this comic book:
Spectacular, adventurous and magical is what
sums up this awesome book. I am so happy that I got the chance to read this book
before it comes out in April. Hippocampus really takes you on an adventure that
you don't want to leave once the book ends. As you read you learn about Trey
Atlas and what happens to him thoughout his journey. You get to learn all about
the lost city of Atlantis and all the wonders it has to hold. The one negative
about this book was that I wish it was longer. I wanted
to. |
Really Funny, Well Drawn, Surprisingly Good Comic. =]
5 out of 5 Stars
Also I just wanted to share some of the cool swag Graham and Neal gave me with the review copy.
They included a cool bookmark with a comic strip on it and both of their business cards.
Definitely check out this comic book, it is worth the read.
Thanks for visiting and Happy Reading. =]